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Remote Virtual Learning Activities for All Pupils |
Commencing Jan. 2021 |
Pine |
Class Activity |
Website Resources |
YouTube Resources |
The activity folders below contain a range of Garden-produced activities for you to do with your child. |
.Just Ctrl + Click on the hyperlinks below, depending on whether you want a website PowerPoint resource or a YouTube video resource. Your child’s class teacher will add new activities regularly. |
CA1 |
Story |
CA2 |
Craft |
CA3 |
Cooking |
CA4 |
Independent Living |
CA5 |
Mindfulness |
All other external activity resources not produced by The Garden |
Enrichment Activity |
EA1 |
Exercise |
Exercise YouTube resources |
EA2 |
Dance |
Dance YouTube resources |
EA3 |
Drama |
EA4 |
Art |
Art YouTube resources |
Tips to remember when supporting your child to learn at home |
§ Home schooling isn’t easy! The fact that you are trying to help your child with their learning at home is wonderful. No-one expects you to take the place of your child’s class teacher so please ask for support or advice if you need it. § It’s OK to pick and choose different activities depending on your child’s ability, level of interest or willingness to engage. This might vary from day to day so don’t worry if things don’t always go to plan. § Try to prepare everything that you need before sitting down to complete an activity. Do what you can to limit any distractions. § Try to focus on using the key words contained within the activity, and if you know some Makaton signs, you might like to use these as well. § If an activity contains a sequence of things to do, then it usually helps to lay these out from left to right. If you have a spare tray or empty box, you could try using this as a place for all ‘finished’ materials to go. § We try to encourage pupils to be as independent as possible when they are at school, and this is something that you can continue to encourage while they are learning from home. Your child might need a lot of physical prompting but try to encourage him/her to have a go on his/her own before you provide physical support. You might be surprised at just how independent your child can be! § Don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your child. Just do your best. § And if you need any specific advice or learning resources to use at home, your child’s class teacher will always do what they can to help. |