At The Garden each pupil’s progress is monitored daily.
Every child is given a base line assessment on entry to the school to develop an individualised learning programme at the start of their learning journey.
These individual education plans have targets which are small steps towards the EHCP outcomes. The targets are reviewed and updated on a term by term basis. The class team note each small step in learning and build on this to develop the child’s skills. SCERTS is used to develop targets in the areas of social communication and emotional regulation.
The school uses an independence scale to track small steps of pupil progress towards their targets. Progress is also shown using photos and videos using software called Evidence for Learning. Evidence is shared within multi-disciplinary teams as a part of the review.
Regular progress meetings are held to review each child’s achievements. If a child is not making good progress extra support or different interventions are tried.
The school holds multi-disciplinary meetings once a term which includes representatives from the wider professional team e.g. school doctor and nurse, Speech and Language therapists and Educational Psychologists. They can support the teachers in problem solving to address any difficulties in learning or behaviour or provide support for health needs.
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